Is Registry of Flats in Greater Noida before Possession: Greater Noida has emerged as one of the significant residential as well as industrial centres surrounding Delhi NCR in the past several years. Various builders have developed different projects and they are providing flats in other projects in Greater Noida at reasonable rates. It also appeals to many property buyers since the cost of constructing them is low.
However, some builders fail to convey flats to buyers after receiving total payment prices for the respective flats. Some of them are that they only issue allotment letters and owners are allowed to take possession of flats without a registry. This leaves the buyers in trouble later on. Hence, it becomes obligatory to register the apartments in your name before you can actually possess them.
One of the first documents you receive, if you are a buyer of 3 BHK fats in South Delhi, are allotment letters that the builder issues. This allotment Letter identifies a particular flat in a project for you. However, this only means that a specific segment or parcel is assigned or designated for something. Still, it does not necessarily mean that the parcel belongs to something in the absolute sense. For ownership, the flat should be registered where the original documents, including the allotment letter need to be submitted to the concerned sub-registrar office. The sub-registrar then has the flat entered into the land register in your name. This makes you the legal owner of the flat and gives you all the rights pertaining to it.
If you ever wonder,Is registry of flat necessary in Greater Noida before possession?, knowing the way the registry processes is the best thing; getting the registry done before taking possession of your flat is critical for the following reasons: Getting the registry before taking possession of your flat is crucial because of the following reasons:
According to the majority of the professionals, it is safer to finalise the registry procedures earlier after signing the contract with the builder to take possession of the flat. This removes the chance of someone getting a chance to commit fraud. Some critical times when you should complete the registry include: Some vital times when you should complete the registry include:
The payment plan for this project suggests that the last payment is made to the builder for the construction of 3 BHK Flats in Greater Noida
However, the government has made it possible to get electricity connection individually through the following conditions to be met.
Before you actually move into your flat and physically possess the keys to your new home,
If your builder offers possession without a registry, you should not take keys and make the registry a condition. The law does not impose any requirement about when the registry must be held. Yes, if you are not getting the registry done, then you are legally exposed and open to all sorts of attacks!
Finally, the advice given by various sources includes having a flat registry in your name before you take possession from Bhavishya Nirman Builders. This best practice can serve well as a guiding principle if you buy a flat in Noida, Greater Noida, or any other developing area around large cities in India. The registry of property in South Delhi helps to make legal the ownership of the flat. And so, you should not be foolish to move in to take possession through allotment letters. Ensure that you do not lose your hard-earned money by avoiding any short cut processes of the registry.
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